Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Noon to 6pm shift about to begin

posted by Pat Wills

Hello everyone. 
I just heard from Rob.  White team starts their leg at noon today.  He said it will be the toughest day yet.
He hasn't been able to log on and post on his blog but will do it as soon as he can.


  1. Hey Rob!!
    I'm thinking about you as you enter into your toughest leg yet!!!! I hope everything is going well and we sure do miss you!! Keep up the AWESOME work!!


    P.S. - Charlie & Lucy say hi and miss you too!! :)

  2. Go Rob Go!! We're praying for you and so admire what you are doing! The Spencer clan love you!! Run hard! You've inspired us! 1 mile yesterday (I'm not EVEN telling you the time!!!!) but 1 mile at a time cuz!!!
    Love ya! ~ Kriss
